Do You Wish To Keep Your Audience Engaged?

"Do you still rely on pen and paper methods to interact with your audience during your conference?" Are you still going with the trend of ‘those in favour, raise your hands’? The entire world of voting has changed with the advent of technology called the Audience Response System or ARS. You no longer need to work on pen and paper, instead can use the keypads. These keypads are wireless devices that work on radio frequency. The keypad works directly by connecting with the receiver to the laptop with customised software. This technology has come to use for both presenter and the audience. Participants can benefit in active presentation and can simultaneously track every audience’s response with real-time results. Question and Answer sessions live: Let’s say in a conference with many corporates, ARS could help a presenter to collect answers from the participants. Live surveys can be creatively created inside the conference to inculcate discussion and ...